All-Inclusive Luxury Fishing Vacations

  • Experience the benefits of an all-inclusive fishing retreat. All you have to do is pick your preferred fishing location.
  • Premium
  • Seychelles, Outer Islands

The Alphonse Group is the premier saltwater fly fishing destination in the Indian Ocean, renowned for its 10,000 acres of pristine white sand flats. These flats offer excellent wading conditions, world-class fishing opportunities and the very best Seychelles bonefishing. The fishing season runs year-round, with certain times best suited for experienced anglers. To preserve the area’s natural beauty and maintain conservation efforts, only 12 anglers are permitted to fish the atolls each day.

  • Amberjack, Barracuda, Bonefish, Grouper, Mil...
  • Saltwater Fly Fishing

FishingExplora available from Spring 2025

FishingExplora is set to launch in Spring 2025! Explore world-class fishing destinations, connect with exclusive lodges, and stay up to date with the latest fishing experiences - all in one place.

We look forward to welcoming you back soon